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Meta Announcement of KC Hyperscale Data Center Makes News Around the World

by Laura Phillips | Mar 30, 2022

Meta, formerly known as Facebook, announced in March 2022 its selection of the Kansas City region for its new hyperscale data center. Locating in the Golden Plains Technology Park, Meta will invest more than $800 million over the next several years to build out its nearly 1 million-square-foot facility. The news for Kansas City made headlines around the world, drawing a high number of views and significant engagement.

Coverage Highlights

  • More than 100 Pieces of Coverage

  • 4.5 Billion Online Readership

  • 4.32 Million Estimated Coverage Views

  • 18.9K Social Shares

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Brand Toolkit - Icons and logos for KCADC and its initiatives

Photo Library - Stock images of the KC region

Video Library - Video content for KCADC and its initiatives 

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