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Talent Development

Learn more about educational programs that are used to help shape the KC region’s workforce:

See the direct impact of our resources in attracting and retaining talent in the KC region:

"Amidst the challenge of our relocation, KCADC provided the extra care to immerse our KC transplants into their network of resources. From welcoming baskets to local knowledge, to connections with individuals, to further our cause, they helped ensure our team wasn't just here, they were welcome."

- Stephen Hardy, MindMixer 

"When it came to looking for opportunities to expand operations, Kansas City was the best choice for us. Not only was the online, airport-connected facility attractive for our business and our customers, but the area’s partners collaborated very well to provide comprehensive solution to communicate our expansion and quickly get us and running.

In particular, the Kansas City Area Development Council (KCADC) took a lead role in coordinating the whole package that brought ATS to Kansas City. They brought together stakeholders from the airport, the city, the county, the state, the public utility, the college system and other organizations. KCADC helped paint a picture for ATS of what it would be like to set up an operation in Kansas City and they made it easy for us to ask questions and get answers from the right area partners." 

- Nicole Allard, Aviation Technical Services

Learn more from our talent recruitment sector, TeamKC.


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