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Back-To-School: Four Ways Employers Can Provide Support

by Danielle Hilton | Aug 04, 2023

Get ready… it’s back-to-school time! Employers in the KC region have a unique opportunity to support their associates who may live on either side of the state line. Having the ability to source talent from either state is a huge benefit for KC employers but that’s a topic for another day.

Why does supporting employees during back-to-school season matter? 
Back-to-school time can impact employees differently – regardless of their parent or guardian status. On average 80.1% of families have at least one employed family member. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2022). Those team members who are approaching milestones such as having a child attend kindergarten, start the first day of middle school, high school or even college, are all facing big decisions and adjusting schedules to accommodate new routines. And even if those same employees are doing a happy dance as they hand their children over to amazing teachers, they may still need some support during the transition.

So, how do you support your employees during back-to-school time?

  • Consider adjusting early meeting times in August to ease back into the school year. August 21, 2023 is the earliest start date possible for Missouri schools. There isn’t a state regulation in Kansas, which means most schools are starting anytime during August. 

  • Adopt a flexible work schedule or environment (if you haven’t already) to support work-life integration, allowing team members to get work done in the hours that fit their lifestyle rather than sticking to rigid schedules. It promotes productivity and employee retention!

  • Review your benefits and partnerships. The 2023 back-to-school sales tax holiday is August 4 - 6 in Missouri. Are there additional discounts you can communicate to your employees that would be especially beneficial during this time? Think about discounts to office supply companies, tech discounts, etc.

  • Share employee assistance programs (EAPs) with your employees who may be feeling more stressed during the transition.

Supporting all employees throughout the year is a priority. Tell us, what else do you do during back-to-school or other times?

Looking for ways to get more involved in TeamKC? Connect with Danielle Hilton, TeamKC managing director.

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