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Wellness Wednesday | May Day Edition

by Jauqui Craig | Apr 29, 2020


Tips and activities to feed the soul during #StayingHomeKC. 

KC Hearts | Share Some KC Love on May Day
KC Hearts is a weekly series of uplifting activities that everyone can do together … even while staying apart.” Find out how you can share a heartfelt surprise this Friday! #KCHearts #Mayday #KCHeartland 

Ayurveda and Aromatherapy | Essential Oils … and Cookies!
Gandha, or smell, is one of the five sense therapies. Essential oils have long been used to invigorate us when we are tired (orange, grapefruit, lemon, bergamot); calm us when anxious (lavender, rose, camomile, vetier); aid in sleep (lavender, rose, and sandalwood); soothe sore muscles, and more. And don’t limit your aromatherapy to just essential oils. So many other smells can act as therapies. Here’s a tasty idea; bake some cookies for that calming cozy feeling of home.
Tip: For optimum health benefits, your oil should be a pure essential oil.  Avoid the word “fragrance.”
Visit Floracopeia to learn “How to Use Essential Oils Effectively”

Don’t lose any sleep over it!
In Ayurveda, sleep is a pillar of life; cornerstone of health; necessary to keep our immune system working efficiently. If you’re having trouble sleeping -- check out these tips for catching some Zzzzzz’s from the practice Ayurveda and Dr. Tereza Hubkova, MD with AdventHealth.

  • Shut down the electronics at least an hour before bedtime. TV, phone, laptop, iPad -- it’s all gotta go. 

  • Wind down and calm the nervous system with a bedtime pranayama (breathing technique) or meditation. Check out The Chopra Center’s 7 Types of Relaxation Meditation to Promote Restful Sleep.

  • Soooothing sounds of nature -- always a good choice to lure you into sleep. My go to .... a rippling creek. Does the trick every time. 

  • Thank you to Advent Health for providing this list of bedtime asanas (yoga postures). 

  • Sense Therapy -- Essential oils like lavender, rose, and sandalwood tap into the parasympathetic nervous system -- can help with sleep and lowering anxiety.  

  • Waking up in the middle of the night. Don’t touch the phone! The light from the phone and stimulation from email, social media, etc. will get your motor running - not help you fall back to sleep. Instead - come back to your pranayama or meditation. At the very least - pranayama and meditation will calm the nervous system; help you fall back to sleep; and help you feel more rested. 

Curbside Carryout | Spotlight
Support these powerhouse ladies with hustle -- making the pivot to curbside during #StayHomeKC.

Need a home cooked meal without the home-cooking?  Celina Tio, has made the challenging pivot to full time curbside at her Crossroads restaurant The Belfry. From starters to desserts; beer to batch bar kits; Burgers to Polenta Ragu - The Belfry is serving up delicious fresh comfort food at it’s finest! And preorder the family meal for 4 - available for pickup or delivery. Order early -- this one sells out fast! 

Unbakery and Juicery and Apothe’ Wellness
Robin Krause and team are serving up coffee drinks, smoothies, scones, and more + immune boosting tonics, waters, vitamin shots, and herbal powders -- Unbakery and Juicery and Apothe’ Wellness reopened their drive-thru this week. One of my favorite stops in KC -- I recommend the homemade almond milk latte with honey and coconut oil (delish!) and the Turmeric Water No. 3. Yum! And check out Robin’s new restaurant, Billie’s Grocery, ready to open as soon as we can gather together again! 

Recipe of the Week: Healing Turmeric Milk 
Delicious, nutritious, immune boosting, calming, bedtime tonic. 

Quote of the Week: 
“The best use of imagination is creativity. The worst use of imagination is anxiety.”
- Depak Chopra

Don't forget to breathe. Namaste.


The information in this blog is not meant to cure, diagnose, or treat any disease. Always seek the advice of a medical professional before starting any new health and wellness protocol. 

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