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Wellness Wednesday | Don't Stand So Close To Me

by Jauqui Craig | Apr 22, 2020


Welcome to the first edition of Wellness Wednesday. You'll find it packed with wellness tips for staying healthy at home!

Don't Stand So Close to Me | Social distancing can be a challenge -- especially when you have to step out for essentials. Stock up on a couple of local items for when you step out of your comfort zone. 

Charlie Hustle | KC Heart Comfort Masks For every mask purchased, one mask is donated to essential workers in the KC metro area though the KC Heart Foundation. 

Rieger’s Remedy Hand Sanitizer | In just 36 hours, J. Rieger & Co. transitioned their entire business to hand sanitizer. Because of this pivot, 65 team members remain employed full time. That’s some hustle! 

Boosting Your Immunity with Dr. Hubkova | Now that was a double dose of Vitamin C. Thank you Dr. and Advent Health for all of the great tips on how we can boost our immune system during COVID-19 and every day.


Curbside Carryout | Make it Special  | Do you miss the dining experience? So do I! Tip: always move your curbside carryout out of the ToGo container and onto a plate to make your curbside carryout more enjoyable. According to Ayurveda, the healing system and sister science to yoga, how we eat is just as important as what we eat. Improper food digestion can lead to a build up of toxins, called ama. Ama leads to disease. So try out some of these guidelines for healthy eating to aid in digestion. 

Meditation and Movement | A few online resources for body and mind. 

Dance Fit Flow - Because we need to keep our dance moves fresh. 

Kalos KC - “Move your body, elevate your spirit.”

Sage Center for Healing Arts  “Be Happy, Be Healthy, Be Free” 


Recipe of the Week: The Healing Effects of Kitchari | Kitchari is considered a medicinal food in Ayurveda. And is particularly good for the change of season. A staple in Ayurvedic seasonal cleanses, kitchari is a great digestive balancing meal anytime. Peas, asparagus, spinach, kale, brussel sprouts are just a few springtime veggies that pack a Vitamin C punch! Don’t forget to add some springtime veggies! Try this recipe.

Quote of the Week: Think about it …
“Hear everything people say to you today as an expression of please or thank you.
- Judith Hanson Lasater 

Breathe through the week! 


The information in this blog is not meant to cure, diagnose, or treat any disease. Always seek the advice of a medical professional before starting any new health and wellness protocol. 

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