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MyKC Welcomes KC’s Newest Residents

by Lexi Ryan | Jan 24, 2020

Moving is hard enough. New job, new home, new schools, new family routine...  and all of these life changes in a brand new city. 

As part of the MyKC program, TeamKC recently kicked off its relocation event series “Make It MyKC,” with area companies to help new employees and their families ease into life in KC.  

Local experts on all things Kansas City volunteered to welcome and answer burning questions from individuals - everything from education and childcare to nightlife and bike trails. Attendees gained insight from KC pros on how to best plug into the community. 

Held at Union Station in mid-December, more than 100 attendees experienced downtown KC’s holiday magic while networking with fellow newcomers. 

The KC community rallied to give a warm welcome in the form of sponsorship, volunteers and donations. 

Sponsored by: 

Group ODell Logo


Special thank you to our experts and the following partners: 
Malfer & Associates
Made in KC
Messenger Coffee
Shatto Milk 
One Light Luxury Apartments

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KC by the Numbers - List of KC ratings & rankings

Brand Toolkit - Icons and logos for KCADC and its initiatives

Photo Library - Stock images of the KC region

Video Library - Video content for KCADC and its initiatives 

KC by the Numbers

Brand Toolkit

Photo Library
