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TeamKC Retains Tech Talent in the Region

by Jessica Palm | Aug 09, 2018

Hundreds of KC-based DST Systems employees received some not-so-great news in June 2018. After being acquired by SS&C Technologies Holding, Inc. earlier this spring, the company announced it would eliminate six percent of the global DST workforce.

WSJ.TALENTARTICLEWithin 24 hours of the news, TeamKC: Life+Talent, the KC Area Development Council’s (KCADC) talent attraction and retention initiative, sprang into action opening its KC Career Network (KCCN) to newly displaced talent. KCCN is a resume sharing platform typically used to assist trailing spouses and individuals new the KC region in finding work. This was the first time KCCN was opened to candidates from a bulk layoff.  

Locally, the KC Business Journal, Kansas City Star and radio station 94.1 KFKF quickly picked up on the news. Over the next week, nearly 150 individuals contacted TeamKC to have their resumes added to the new DST specific KCCN page.

Experienced professionals, including software engineers, developers, analysts, data architects, technical writers, project managers and more were shared with TeamKC’s network of more than 800 HR professionals and recruiters in the KC region, connecting top talent with companies hiring in the area.

As word spread, the Wall Street Journal reached out to TeamKC and KCADC wanting to know more about this regional, cutting-edge talent retention tactic. A declining working-age population and tight labor markets make talent a red-hot commodity, one that TeamKC is supremely positioned to attract.

To learn more about TeamKC: Life+Talent contact Jessica Palm.

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