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by Jessica Palm | May 14, 2015
Throughout the summer, interns across the KC region will get together for social events as a way to meet fellow interns and learn more about the area.  

TeamKC will facilitate the planning committee brainstorming sessions and status updates with the intern liaisons. 

#InternKC is an intern-led program to plan non-company specific events in Kansas City, and all interns within your company are welcome and encouraged to participate in the events.  


Please designate up to three interns from your company to serve on the #InternKC Social Team. They will represent your company and help plan and communicate upcoming events with your intern class. 

TeamKC will initiate a conference call from noon to 1 p.m. every Tuesday from June 2 to August 25

There is no financial support needed from any of the companies whose interns participate.

If your company would like to get its interns involved in #InternKC, contact us. 

Need some info to send to your interns about #InternKC? Here is sample text you may share with your interns as they get started with your company:  

Join #InternKC this summer! A group led by interns from across the region, #InternKC plans and implements social events throughout the summer as a way to meet fellow interns and to learn more about the KC area. Contact your company’s #InternKC Social Team representative to learn more.

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Also in this section:

KC by the Numbers - List of KC ratings & rankings

Brand Toolkit - Icons and logos for KCADC and its initiatives

Photo Library - Stock images of the KC region

Video Library - Video content for KCADC and its initiatives 

KC by the Numbers

Brand Toolkit

Photo Library
