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New KC Multimodal Inland Port Project on Missouri River Receives Funding

by Mary Rooney | Nov 02, 2020

Port KC was recently awarded a $9.88 million grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation to help finance the redevelopment of a 415-acre site along the Missouri River in Jackson and Clay Counties.
Formerly a shuttered steel mill, Port KC plans to develop an inland, multimodal port called Missouri River Terminal (MRT) to attract economic and employment reinvestment within a 25-mile industrial corridor on the long-neglected east side of Kansas City.
With close proximity to the Missouri River to the north, I-435 to the west, and rail access from the Kansas City Terminal Railroad to the south, this site has the potential to be a major multimodal freight transfer facility, serving businesses carrying freight by rail, water or road.

Read more from Port KC. 


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