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Investor Profile | Superior Bowen

by Mary Rooney | Jul 31, 2018

Superior Bowen, headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri, is one of the largest asphalt paving and construction companies in the Midwest. The company has also expanded into new, related areas of business in which we have specific expertise.

Today, Superior Bowen’s services include cold milling, hot mix asphalt production, asphalt additives and formulations, QA/QC lab testing, and site prep development planning and earthwork.

Superior Bowen’s customers – whether state governments and municipalities, federal aviation authorities, general contractors, commercial developers or other asphalt construction companies – know they can count on Superior Bowen to deliver.

Through many years of proven performance, the company has built a reputation of reliability. To its customers, that means certainty of outcome and a standard of quality that consistently goes beyond specifications.

To learn more about Superior Bowen, please contact Brian Johanning at, visit or watch this video.

Past Projects
TrumanCorners - Grandview, MO Logistics Park Kansas City - Edgerton, KS 
Liberty Commons - Liberty, MO

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