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Company Culture Impacts Mental Health

by Animal Health2 | May 12, 2023


As leaders, it is important to evaluate how company culture impacts the mental health of employees. During May, many organizations focus on the mental health of employees, but this topic needs to be prioritized year-round.

Here are three ways managers and leaders can maintain and improve culture.

  1. Communication. A company culture with open communication is essential to employee engagement; however, open communication and transparency also reduces stress and anxiety with employees. As leaders, we must actively listen. Listening builds trust amongst your team.

  2. Community. Create a sense of support and comradery amongst your team. An environment where employees can trust and rely on their teammates makes everyone feel like part of something bigger.

  3. Creativity. Encourage a workplace where employees feel the freedom to take risks and make mistakes without punishment. If employees do not have the freedom to try new things, innovation and creativity will suffer as will the mental health of your team. 

The mental health of veterinary professionals has never been more important. The AVMA offers a robust toolkit of mental health resources on their website. At the Animal Health Corridor, we encourage anyone who is seeking personal or professional wellbeing support to access these tools. Improved mental health within our industry can begin with taking care of your own.


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Video Library - Video content for KCADC and its initiatives 

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