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2022 in review: A year of great accomplishments

by Animal Health2 | Dec 09, 2022

As we approach the end of 2022, I reflect upon the past 12 months and just how much the Animal Health Corridor and our industry have to be proud of.

The Animal Health Summit returned to an in-person format in Kansas City at a new venue and with a new format. The refreshed approach offered a two-day conference combining elements of our legacy events, the Homecoming Dinner, and Investment Forum, while also adding panel discussions, speakers, increased networking, and additional business partnering. The result was a high impact event with more value for our stakeholders. 

Through our innovation vertical, we have worked with over 500 early-stage companies, helping connect them to our ecosystem. This year, the Corridor team collaborated with 20 such organizations new to the program, helping them advance their technology to commercialization. 

The Animal Health Corridor has been the home of tremendous growth this year with the announcements of new company expansions within our region.

We continue to make strides on the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF) in Manhattan, Kansas. This building will be a national asset that helps protect the nation’s agriculture, farmers and citizens against the threat and potential impact of serious animal diseases. Construction of NBAF began in 2015 and commissioning will be finalized this year. 

Manhattan, Kansas, continues to grow as a leader in the field when Scorpion Biological Services, a subsidiary of Heat Biologics, Inc., announced their selection of Manhattan for their 500,000 sq. ft. biomanufacturing facility. This will result in 500 new, high-paying jobs and $650 million in capital investment right here in the Corridor.

Simmons Pet Food continues to expand in the Corridor region with their recent announcement of additional manufacturing in Emporia, Kansas, and a new 750,000 sq. ft. distribution facility in Edgerton, Kansas.

Vytelle announced Lenexa, Kansas, as the home of their new global headquarters.

Existing board companies continue to announce new innovations, product approvals and acquisitions to ensure the safety of our global food supply and the health of our pets. 

We fostered our next generation of professionals through our workforce and DEI committee. We held webinars for students about personal branding, the breadth and depth of career opportunities in animal health, and when and where to apply for internship opportunities. These webinars allowed our industry to connect directly with hundreds of students across the U.S. who are interested in starting and building their career in animal health. 

The Corridor was active at many events and initiatives. We hosted our annual networking event at VMX. We hosted company executives in Kansas City for a Sporting KC game. We held two free networking receptions in the Corridor region as a way to connect members of our ecosystem. Emily McVey, our Vice President, held a panel discussion at the National MANRRS conference. That’s just the start. We also furthered our mission at several other industry tradeshows and conferences connecting with industry executives throughout the year. 

We were able to continue to recognize not-for-profits who support the human-animal bond with a monetary donation through our partnership with Animalytix and our Spirit of Service program. This year we were also able to make a $15,000 monetary donation to Pawsperity (formerly known as The Grooming Project) and an additional $5,000 donation to four previous recipients: New Horizon Ranch, Retrieving Freedom, Warriors Best Friend, and Going to the Dogs.

As the holidays approach, I wish each of you time to reflect and recharge. I know for me personally, this season will be different with the recent, sudden passing of my mom. So, for those who have recently lost someone special, are possibly spending the last holiday with a loved one, or who may have the joy of a new child or grandchild, I wish you comfort in a new routine or tradition. The end of the year is a wonderful time to look back with gratitude but also a time to look forward with optimism and hope for a new year. 

We did a lot in 2022, but there is more to do. I am looking forward to 2023 and working with each of you to advance our industry. 

Happy holidays!  


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