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“Back to School Jitters” never really go away. Just ask someone in the Animal Health industry

by Animal Health2 | Aug 11, 2022

For most of those reading, it’s been quite a while since our last first day of school. However, as we advance through our careers and navigate new opportunities, there are many instances in which we may experience the same nerves and self-doubt as we did with our backpack in hand waiting for the school bus. 

Take the entrepreneurs in the Animal Health industry or those launching new products into the landscape. These individuals and teams have hopes, aspirations and, like anyone putting themselves out there, fear of the unfamiliar territory in which they are now navigating. However, with confidence and certainty in their mission, they are able to place their discomfort to the side and focus on the tremendous reward that is possible with perseverance. 

It’s important to remind ourselves this back-to-school season, that those pushing our industry forward are doing so out of their comfort zone. At all stages of our careers, we must learn, connect, adapt and be courageous as we take the next step toward our goals and ambitions. Here at the Animal Health Corridor, we are glad to support those venturing toward the next achievement in animal health and welfare. When we embrace our fears to do our best and encourage others to do the same, we take our industry to the next level. Collaboration amongst competition is one of the most admirable traits of the Animal Health Corridor. At least, that’s our school of thought.


Also in this section:

KC by the Numbers - List of KC ratings & rankings

Brand Toolkit - Icons and logos for KCADC and its initiatives

Photo Library - Stock images of the KC region

Video Library - Video content for KCADC and its initiatives 

KC by the Numbers

Brand Toolkit

Photo Library
