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Animal Health Corridor Commits to New DEI Initiative

by Emily McVey | Mar 12, 2021

Creating a diverse and inclusive environment is more critical than ever. While 2020 might most notably be remembered in history as the year that wreaked havoc on our economy and health, we must not overlook the societal discourse and peak racial injustice in 2020 that exposed many dark sides of our culture and society. 

The past year has sparked a wave of focus on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) and left companies and industries asking themselves, "how can we do better?" DEI is no longer considered just an organizational principle for workplace culture but rather has been catapulted to the forefront as a critical business imperative, garnering attention from leaders outside of the HR suite.

After years of unintended avoidance, the animal health industry is ready to collectively lean in and begin to find comfort in the uncomfortable and own that as an industry, we do not reflect that of our customers and society. 

But where do we begin? DEI often feels like the elephant in the room, in which everyone is astutely aware of its presence, but no one wants to tackle it. Our avoidance is generally not malicious but often rooted in the uncomfortableness of saying or doing the wrong thing and confusion of where to begin. 

Under our new DEI initiative, the Animal Health Corridor (AHC) will convene the industry for regular DEI events and conversations. Through this platform, we will strive to push ourselves into the uncomfortable and begin to reflect on the state of our industry and where we intend to go. 

To ensure our efforts meet the needs of the industry, the AHC Advisory Board has approved the establishment of a DEI Task Force. This task force will deepen the Corridor's understanding of the DEI challenges facing the animal health industry and strengthen our unified commitment to change. 


Commit to transforming the animal health industry. DEI will shape the future of our industry. Companies can no longer sit on the sidelines hoping for change. We must act now. Our industry, colleagues, customers, and stakeholders are counting on it.

Unite through shared values and grow from our differing perspectives. No one individual or organization will be able to "solve" our industry's DEI challenges independently. Like any significant endeavor, this will take time, shared creativity, and industry-wide collaboration. 

Cultivate community, conversations, and connections. Together we can promote and provide ongoing DEI educational and professional growth opportunities for animal health professionals no matter the individual's title or size of employer. 


For additional information on the Corridor’s DEI initiative or to visit with us about this important topic, please contact Kimberly Young or Emily McVey.

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Brand Toolkit - Icons and logos for KCADC and its initiatives

Photo Library - Stock images of the KC region

Video Library - Video content for KCADC and its initiatives 

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