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It Takes a Village and We’re Thankful for Ours

by Animal Health2 | Nov 14, 2022

The Animal Health Corridor prides itself in all it accomplishes each year for our industry. As the largest concentration of animal health companies in the world, we offer expansive benefits that contribute to the growth and success of all in the industry. We do, well, a lot. And we couldn’t do it without the group of passionate people and organizations supporting us every step of the way- especially everyone who served on the Corridor Advisory Board in 2022

As they say, it takes a village and we’re incredibly fortunate to have one made up of such remarkable people. Thanks to the support of many individuals and groups, we continue to be able to offer networking, specialized education and training, research collaboration, legislative advocacy, tax and incentive programs, and business relocation assistance to the world’s largest group of animal health industry professionals.

On behalf of everyone here at the Animal Health Corridor, thank you to all those who support our mission in their words, actions and donations. 

We’d also like to give a special shout-out to our Chair, Spencer Breithaupt, as well as Caroline Belmont as Vice-Chair. Your dedication to bettering our community never goes unnoticed.

A special thanks as well to JNA and Stephens & Associates for supporting our marketing, media, communications, and overall industry engagement efforts; Animalytix for their ongoing support of the Spirit of Service program; AFA, MANRRS, FFA, and all of the individuals who serve on our Workforce and DEI committee for your ongoing support of our workforce initiatives; and finally, everyone who volunteers their time to serve on the Selection Committee, as a Coach or as a Judge to support our efforts to advance innovation into the industry.   We are immensely grateful for all the companies and individuals who contribute to the vibrant ecosystem and support our mission.

It takes a village, and ours is simply incredible. Thank you.


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